Renowned Tailor Sebastiano Montella to be Honored by Italian American Heritage Society of Long Island

Sebastiano Montella is one of the world’s most renowned master tailors. His tailoring career spans over 60 years and has flourished in the United States and Italy. He will be recognized as an inaugural honoree of the Italian American Heritage Society of Long Island.

His artisanal creations have been worn by some of the world’s most distinguished individuals, and his mastery of traditional Neapolitan custom tailoring has earned him numerous accolades. 

With a degree in “Tagliatore e Stilista,” Sebastiano is recognized as the only corresponding member of the Academia Nazionale Dei Sartori di Roma. He has held the position of “Head Tailor” at the Quartiere Generale ai Parioli a Roma (headquarters for Rome’s highest-ranking military officials). 

Sebastiano hails from Visciano, Italy, a town located on the edge of the Metropolitan City of Naples. He and his family came to the United States in the early 1980s and have since enjoyed spending time here and abroad.

Tickets and sponsorships are available for the event now. More honorees will be announced in the coming days!

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